PewDiePie Exposes Truth About YouTube's 'Rigged' Trending Tab

Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie, who has recently ended his war with T-Series for the most subscribed channel, has just released a bombshell episode on his PewNews show.

Felix Kjellberg, a.k.a PewDiePie, has seemingly exposed the truth about how YouTube’s trending tab actually works. In the latest issue of his PewNews, the vlogger reviewed footage showing YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki promising rapper Juice Wrld artificial growth for his channel on 1 May.

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“How can we help you? You’re so talented. We’ve got to get your subscriber numbers way up! We’re gonna make it happen, alright? We’re here, we’re here for you, however we can, you have no idea”, she is heard saying.

Pewds explained that Wojcicki’s words have widely been perceived as if YouTube is being “kind of rigged against creators”, since Juice Wrld is not a YouTuber, he’s a musician.

The Swede, however, didn’t agree with the overwhelming majority of people, and suggested that it was just CEO talk “where you try and butter someone up”, because having an artist like Juice Wrld on the video hosting platform would be good for the “ecosystem”.

“This kind of talk, I don’t think it means anything. I don’t think she’s gonna go out and do like change the system to help Juice Wrld… But a lot of people are interpreting it that way”.

Addressing the update on Wojcicki’s 2019 priorities that she earlier posted on YouTube to promise support for creators and artists, Pewds shed some light on the trending tab, which helps users see some of the most popular videos on the platform.

“She also talks about the trending tab, and they’re saying that they are gonna work on having it half creators and/or at least half will be actual creators on the trending tab. So the trending was rigged all along. I knew it”, Pewds exclaimed.

The individual content creator continued by saying that Wojcicki actually explained something he had thought about for a long time, namely why some of his popular videos do not hit the trending tab.

“But the reason why is if all my popular videos got on trending, I would always be on trending and just take over the trending tab, and no one would like that either. So it’s basically measured in comparison to my other videos. If one really shoots up, that video gets trending but if my all videos are always doing well, then there’s nothing to stand out from”, he said.

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Pewds believes that many people have a certain “misconception” about how the trending section works and pay too much attention to the view number, while it’s not always a defining factor for a video to shoot up.

“And I think a lot of companies obviously do not upload videos that often, and then maybe they have a trailer for some dumb schmuckabucka video, and all of the sudden that gets more attention, so they’re like, ‘Oh, a trending!’ Even though it’s just a company, and it’s BS…So when creators upload frequently and actually work on YouTube and care about YouTube, they don’t get trending because they don’t upload videos that shoot up”, he added.

The video, which was uploaded on 5 May, has already been watched over 2.7 million times.
