Elon Musk Mocks Bezos' Moon Lander With Cheeky 'Blue Balls' Meme

Amazon's founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos, who also owns the privately-funded US-based space company Blue Origin, unveiled the concept of the Blue Moon lander on Friday, which he said would be capable of bringing missions and cargo to Earth’s natural satellite.

Tesla founder Ilon Musk has quipped at the Blue Moon lander project, which was recently presented by Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos.

“Oh, stop teasing, Jeff”, Musk wrote on his Twitter page, posting a photoshopped image of the space vehicle, which featured a 'Blue Balls' rather than 'Blue Moon' inscription on its body.

Netizens immediately reacted by publishing funny GIFs and sarcastic comments on Musk’s tweet, with one user noting that “Jeff’s balls are not blue enough though”.

Another netizen referred to a “competition” between Musk and Bezos, writing, “guess who is going to build the next top selling car in the world, hint: maybe Jeff Bezos”.

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One more user described the developments as an “ultimate billionaire pvp battle”.

On Thursday, Bezos, who also owns the privately-funded space company Blue Origin, revealed the concept of a moon lander, pledging that “we are going to build a road to space”.

Speaking at a presentation of his mock-up of the Blue Moon lander, Bezos said that “this is an incredible vehicle and it’s going to the moon”. Bezos’ Blue Origin is a competitor of  SpaceX, which is run by Musk, who said last week that there is a 70-percent chance of him getting to Mars in one of his spacecraft.
