Legendary vlogger Felix Kjellberg, more commonly known as PewDiePie, who made headlines during the past several months due to his battle with Indian music giant T-Series for the title of the most-subscribed channel on YouTube, has explained to his fans that, apparently, some news stories find their way to you no matter how hard you try to avoid them.
As PewDiePie explained in his 11 May tweet, even though he tries to "avoid news" by "picking trends in Arabic countries", some things apparently cannot be avoided.
Pewds’ commentary comes as James Charles, internet celebrity and popular beauty blogger, became involved in a row with another famous beauty blogger and YouTube star, Tati Westbrook.
The ensuing scandal has apparently cost Charles a portion of his YouTube subscriber base, and prompted him to post a tearful video apology.
The row apparently broke out after Charles endorsed a vitamin company, Sleep Vitamins by SugarBearHair, which is a direct competitor of Westbrook’s own beauty brand, news.com.au points out.
Commenting on this development, some members of PewDiePie’s social media audience made snide remarks about Charles’ predicament.