As Soon As Assange Gets to US, You Won't Ever Hear From Him Again - Journo

Swedish prosecutors have reopened their investigation into allegations of sexual assault against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Sputnik has spoken to journalist John Steppling to find out what this means for Assange’s future and when we'll see the extradition process begin.

Sputnik: First of all, what is your opinion on Sweden reopening this investigation into the alleged sexual assaults committed by Assange, despite the fact that the statute of limitations has run out on them?

Steppling: Well, I mean, it's a completely bogus case. And Sweden tried to drop it all the way back in 2010. And then again in 2015. You know, the Swedish DA wanted nothing to do with it. And Assange has just been stitched up with this from the beginning. It's a case without any merit. So the fact that Sweden wants to open it now is more than likely on the instructions of the United States. It's just a case that has no legitimacy at all.

WikiLeaks Chief Editor Says Sweden Likely to Extradite Assange to US
Sputnik: In the UK, here, 70 British MPs have signed a letter in approval of the potential extradition to Sweden. How quickly do you  think these proceedings would begin?

Steppling: How quickly? Yeah, I mean, who knows? I mean, what's interesting, when you look at all of this, the whole saga of Assange, is that it's been accompanied by a really massive propaganda campaign. Primarily from the United States, but in the UK too. Just acute, you know, anti-Assange propaganda. When the United States asks the public their opinion about Assange's arrest, it's like 70% approval. Which is just shocking, given the reality here.

Now, the Wiki organisation and Assange, you know, there's a certain factor that is off putting, I don't deny that; but it's more, it hasn't anything to do with the information that was released. But that notwithstanding, it's such a glaring overreach. And how quickly this will start, I mean, as quickly as they can make it happen. They, you know, the UK and US want to push this through very quickly.

Sputnik: And what is the motivation for the US to push this through?

Steppling: The United States wants to get its hands on Assange and disappear him believe me, as soon as he gets to the US, you won't ever hear from him again. He's right now undergoing chemical interrogation, allegedly. There have been several reports that Gina Haspel okayed that the US interrogators would go in and give him BZ, I think it's called, which has, you know, very long lasting negative effects.

Soldiers have suffered, you know, very long-lasting delusions and paranoia and so forth after undergoing this. So, you know, we can call Gina Haspel chemical Gina, now, I guess, instead of bloody Gina, but in any event, you know, that's the lengths to which the state authority is going now and it's grotesque. But you know, the US has since Assange first went on the scene, has carried out multiple illegal interventions, interference; they just failed with a coup in Venezuela, although it's, you know, they're still trying. Syria, and now they seem to be targeting Iran with the tanker, no doubt false flag, the other day. Although who knows what really happened; though that has the fingerprints of Mossad, one must say. In any event, you know, the US doesn't like the kind of criticism, symbolic or otherwise that Assange brought with him. And they're going to silence it as a matter of principle and as a warning to journalists everywhere.

WikiLeaks Sees Chance to Clear Assange's Name as Rape Case Reopened in Sweden
Sputnik: The whole situation seems very grim for Assange, what is the best case scenario for him at this point?

Steppling: Well, I don't know. I don't know if there is a best case scenario. I mean, you have to really feel for him. If he's extradited to Sweden that case probably won't go anywhere because it's so absolutely threadbare. But then Sweden will ship him to the US. It's just a layover for Assange. Eventually he gets to the US. I don't see any way that that's going to be prevented. And as I say, once he's in the US, he faces a very dire future, I'm afraid.

Views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
