BBC Biased Broadcasting Corporation

A general view of the BBC headquarters in London, Sunday, Nov, 11, 2012
I watched Andrew Marr’s BBC interview with Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage and it was the most biased interview I have ever seen and clearly illustrated the point that the BBC is the enemy of the people too.

When, and it is now when not if, Nigel Farage gets anywhere near the levers of power one of his first jobs must be to slash or cut the compulsory licence fee immediately.

The Guardian newspaper has been taking pot shots at Farage for the last two weeks but I am completely comfortable with that as it is a private company and all newspapers confirm the prejudices of their readers. You have a choice whether or not you wish to buy that tawdry left-wing rag.

A general view of the BBC headquarters in London, Sunday, Nov, 11, 2012
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Clearly, not many people are turned on by their soft lefty propaganda as it is on its last legs and is effectively bailed out by a charitable trust and begging for its dwindling band of readers to give it handouts.

However, the BBC is funded by a compulsory poll tax, which if you don't pay you end up in prison and therefore should and has to be impartial and balanced. Personally, I believe it is impossible to be either which is another reason, in this multi-platform age, that the BBC is a media dinosaur. If people are clever enough and grown up enough to choose their paper or their social media influencers why do the government and the establishment not trust us to pick our own news outlets on TV?

The answer is one word, CONTROL.

For decades the BBC has been the method to supply us with ‘bread and circuses' and to tell us how and what to think.

READ MORE: Nigel Farage's Brexit Party Would Hammer Tories in General Election — New Poll

They lost the circuses when Rupert Murdoch and Sky entered the battle and took most of the major sporting rights off the BBC.  Of course, the BBC has continued to pretend they cover sport with their ridiculously out of date Sports Personality of the Year programme. This has mutated and grown out of all proportion at almost the same rate as their ownership for rights to football, Formula One and any other sporting event, apart from those protected by law like the World Cup, Olympics and Wimbledon, have diminished.

Viewers have actually been voting with their feet, or remote controls and over 3.5 MILLION are no longer paying the TV licence as they are not watching the propaganda anymore. But it is not just the Circuses that the BBC have been failing at they have also failed to supply the bread; the news.

I worked at the BBC for the best part of 25 years and over those years I saw a massive change in the way the news was managed and controlled by an establishment elite. It was not so much a takeover by the left, more a slow strangulation of free expression and independent thought by the Common Purpose Cultural Marxists who make George Orwell's thought Police look like amateurs.

Just have a listen to any radio or TV programme you fancy and play spot the right of centre presenter. You will not find any apart from Andrew Neil.

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In local radio, of which I am a passionate supporter, all free thought has been suppressed by management diktat and as a direct result, audiences have fallen off a cliff. Local radio needs local personalities with local passion and prejudices and the audience demand honesty not just pale imitations of soft left national news and discussion.

BBC Five Dead inhabits a completely different world from where most of us live and survive. It appears their presenters are allowed to pour scorn on anyone who wants to leave the EU or dares to support the Brexit Party, there is not even an attempt to hide their bias against leavers.

You're not even safe on Radio 2, with the notable exception of Jeremy Vine's show which is well balanced in my opinion.

But why is anti-Brexit and anti-Trump rhetoric allowed on their entertainment shows like Graham Norton on Saturdays?

I was listening this week and award-winning writer and the man responsible for turning Doctor Who into a propaganda programme, Russell T Davies, was on. He has just written a huge series for the BBC starring everyone's favourite lefty luvvie and environmental campaigner, (when she's not flying first class over the Atlantic) Emma Thompson.

I don't know what the programme is called as Russell was too busy telling Norton how he just had to write this state of the nation piece as soon as Trump was elected, it was his duty to save the world or some other drivel. This ludicrous pompous fool was not challenged at all about his political views of the President of the free world. Why? Because this is how the BBC work and works you, the slow drip, drip of their agenda into the body politic and it makes me sick.

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When was the last time you saw a comedian with a right of centre attitude on the TV show or a right of centre sitcom? They have all been consigned to Room 101 and with the use of cultural revisionism repeats of classics like" It Aint Half Hot Mum" are strictly verboten.

But back to Andrew Marr and news. Surely when discussing the biggest democratic event in this country's history Marr has a duty to be fair?

Of course, Farage should be challenged on statements and beliefs he has held in the past but this was an unbalanced and unhinged attack on Nigel.

It was reminiscent of the way David Dimbleby interviewed Nick Griffin on Question Time all those years ago. Instead of just asking him to comment along with the other politicians on the panel on the issues of the day and the questions from the audience, Dimbleby turned it into an all-out attack on this foul, knuckle-dragging racist.

It was daft, it was embarrassing and dare I say biased. Dimbleby should have let him hang himself with his own words.

But in Farage's case, he is most definitely not a racist and Marr (ex-editor of the Independent, there's a surprise) decided that he, just like luvvie Russell, had to protect us from the danger of Farage, the Monster!

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I thought it was legitimate to bring up the NHS and I thought Farage's answer was perfect and people can make their own minds up, that is called political debate but what on earth were the questions about Putin and gun control all about?

Love him or loathe him, you cannot deny that Farage has and is creating a political earthquake and surely it is more important to discuss why that is happening now and what the consequences of this revolt could be.

It is important to stress that this interview wasn't just Marr going off-piste, so to speak, this attack was pre-planned by the producer and editors of his programme and no doubt by the higher echelons of the Biased Broadcasting Corporation, just, as I am sure, the Nick Griffin appearance was.

Because that is the point. These Establishment goons do put Farage and indeed all of us who wanted to leave in the same bracket as far right lunatics and racists like the BNP, National Front and rabid Far right nutjobs.

Safe in their establishment bubble with their gold-plated pensions and over-staffed offices and studios they never saw the Brexit result coming and they do not understand the level of anger out in the real world against the self-serving pigs of Westminster of all political parties.

Farage triumphed on Question Time earlier in the week and of course, was aided and abetted by young Emily in the audience who was allowed to say what she felt about the Brexit betrayal but not allowed to respond to Amber Dudd's patronising reply. That's strange isn't it? NOT.

READ MORE: Confident Farage Mocks Theresa May Despite Past of Duplicitous Brexit Vows

The audience was clearly on Farage's side and the polls back that up too, which is why Marr thought he had to save us all on Sunday. He was pathetic and the programme is beyond pathetic.

I asked in a previous column, ‘could Nigel Farage be our Trump?' Well clearly the BBC think so as they are determined to elevate him to Pariah status just as they did with Donald Trump. They continue to treat Donald like this despite the facts that he is succeeding and the effect of their bias to Nigel and the Brexit party will result in the same thing; more and more people will vote for Nigel.

Safe, for now, in their politically correct bubble these people actually believe that their view of the world is the majority view, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary; The Brexit vote, Trump's election and the populist success in Italy, do I need to go on?

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Like liberal hand wringing bed wetters, these cultural Marxists believe they can keep their finger in the dyke or demand that the waves and the populist tide can be halted by reading the Guardian, singing Kumbaya, crucifying Danny Baker for a mistake, and shouting "waycist waycist" at anyone who dares to contradict their collective mindset.

Well, I am afraid the likes of Russell and Marr are mistaken as there is a tsunami building up and they are largely responsible for it and it will take more than the good Doctor or singing "Don't Look Back in Anger" to stop it.

Let me give the final word, which is more than Marr, did to Nigel Farage, "You are not prepared to talk about what is going on this country today. You're in denial. The BBC's in denial. The Tory Party's in denial. The Labour Party's in denial. I think you're in for a bigger surprise on Thursday week than you can even imagine."

The vews and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
