EU Elections: 'Voters Seek New Direction From Governments' - Brexit Advisor

The European election results showed that in the UK, Nigel Farage's Brexit Party emerged as the big winner with 32% of the vote, while the Tories and the Labour Party suffered a crushing defeat, with the Conservatives showing their worst result in almost 200 years. However, the pro-remain Liberal Democrats came in second, with 20%.

So what does the European Parliament vote mean for the UK? Rita Trehan, CEO of Dare Worldwide and Brexit advisor, believes that the outcome was seen as an indicator of the UK's public opinion on Brexit and EU membership, and it has shown that the society still remains divided:

"With, the results between Leave and Remain parties being essentially equally split, it has left the door wide open for both sides to claim victory. The reality is that there is only one clear conclusion that can be drawn with some level of certainty, and it is this, the public's rising dissatisfaction with parliament and the UK political parties' ability to govern has been cast in their votes," the expert said.

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The vote did show that the British people are not happy with the way Brexit was handled by the Conservatives, as the support for the governing party collapsed; it slid to fifth place in the UK (a 9% share of the vote). Trehan noted that while Prime Minister Theresa May called the results "disappointing", it could be described by some as "a disaster of epic proportions".

"With the Tories suffering their worst defeat since 1830, it is clear that the Tory's decision to base its entire election manifesto on delivering Brexit, and then failing to deliver on it, meant that the EU votes gave the public an opportunity to show just how increasingly frustrated, angry and discouraged they are with the government's inability to lead."

However, as the Brexit advisor pointed out, the electorate wasn't just dissatisfied with the Tories; Labour came in only third, with 14% of the vote, compared to 25% during the previous EU elections.

"Labour's loss serves as an example of what happens when leadership fails to stay true to its political beliefs. Corbyn's changing stance on the topic of a second referendum is a lesson in what happens when you try to please everyone and fail, pleasing no-one," Trehan explained.

READ MORE: Is it Possible to Change EU Policy After the Elections?

But Brexit isn't going anywhere and with Theresa May leaving her post as Prime Minister on June 7, a new PM will have to take over where she left off, and the expert said it won't be easy:

"The road for whoever is elected as the new PM just got harder, with a hard Brexit being touted as the only way forward to avoid the complete disintegration of the Tory party. The Labour party also finds itself battling with making a definitive stance or playing the middle ground. The answer now must and can only lie with clarity in purpose and direction."

"It is what the public has been seeking and which parliament despite numerous goes at it has failed to deliver. Whether this marks the end of the stronghold of a two party system remains to be seen, what is evident, however, is that both parties must learn from the lessons of the past few years and especially the last several months, if they are to have any credibility with their electorate in the years to come," Trehan said.

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Talking about the European election in general, the CEO of Dare Worldwide noted that as the voter turnout rose dramatically, it led to the rise of the Greens and Liberals, while Eurosceptic parties made gains and ‘status-quo' parties saw a decline in voters:

"The outcome: For the first time, we will have a European Parliament in which the centrist parties failed to reach a majority, and who will as a result have to lean on the support of others, who don't hold the same opinion of how to run Europe. A fragmented EU is now in play, as voters seek some new direction, and new perspectives from their governments in charge."

Trehan also added that the new European Parliament must provide more "clarity, direction and leadership," and the people have asked not to have "more of the same", but rather "more of something new, and different." Otherwise, "ignoring the signs of the need for change […], will be costly", Trehan concluded.

The views and opinions expressed by the speaker do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
