Russian Cosmonauts Complete 6-Hour Spacewalk (VIDEO)

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Alexey Ovchinin returned to the International Space Station after completing their six-hour maintenance spacewalk, the webcast on the Roscosmos website has shown.

The mission began at 15:42 GMT and ended at 21:43 GMT on Wednesday.

During the spacewalk, the cosmonauts carried out science experiments in the framework of the Test research project, installed handrails between the Poisk and Zarya modules on the Russian segment of the station and performed a number of other maintenance tasks.

READ MORE: Roscosmos, S7 Group Mull Developing Reusable Commercial Space Vehicle

The spacewalk was timed to the 85th birthday of Russian cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, the first person to venture into open space.
