CNN Journalist Called out Over 'Murder' as PewDiePie's Joke Goes Too Far

PewDiePie hosts an entertaining news show, where he plays over two dozen anchors. One of them ‘died' under suspicious circumstances last week, and scarce evidence points at her 'colleague'.

A revolving door in PewDiePie's online news show has affected a CNN contributor who has, by a strange coincidence, the same name as the suspected murderer of Pewds' alter-ego.

Let's puzzle it out.

Felix 'PewDiePie' Kjellberg, YouTube's biggest star, is the creator of Pew News, a semi-serious, semi-satirical programme where he provides some insight into what's happening in pop culture and entertainment.

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The show has over two dozen anchors, all portrayed by PewDiePie. Perhaps one of the most popular hosts was Gloria Borger, also known as Poppy Gloria, but on 27 May, her demise was confirmed by a new PewDiePie avatar, Mary Ham.

Mary Ham reported that Poppy Gloria was found dead in her apartment, which happened to be a cardboard box. "We don't know yet who's responsible but we do know I was the last person seen with Poppy Gloria alive," Mary Ham/PewDiePie said.

Although there is not enough evidence, many Pewds fans strongly suspect that Mary Ham did this — and call on the vlogger to fire her and get Gloria reincarnated.

In a bizarre twist, it appeared that there is a real Mary Ham at CNN — conservative journalist and author Mary Katharine Ham, 39.

A Twitter user shared a fake screengrab of a tweet speaking on her behalf, which suggested that the actual Mary Ham was getting "death threats from random strangers" over the 'demise' of Poppy Gloria.

But the journo was quick to get things straight: "This is not a real tweet from me. I know exactly why people are tweeting me about Poppy Gloria, and though I am more dangerous than I look and occasionally foolishly underestimated, I'm not *that* dangerous."

Some Twitter users, however, went on to jokingly question Mary Ham's innocence.

All we can do is hope that justice will be served.
