Boris Johnson “Almost Certain” to Win Conservative Party Leadership Contest – UKIP Member

With the Conservative Party’s leadership race well and truly in full swing; Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt have revealed further details of their Brexit policies. But can Hunt realistically pose a credible challenge to the former Mayor of London, given Johnson’s popularity with the Tory grassroots? Sputnik spoke with UKIP’s David Kurten for more.

Sputnik: Will Boris Johnson win the Conservative Party leadership race?

David Kurten: Jeremy Hunt is making noises, and he knows that the grassroots of the Conservative Party want a no deal Brexit, so they are only going to vote for someone in large numbers who’s going to offer that, but I wouldn’t trust him because he voted for remain.

As we’ve seen with Theresa May, she said one hundred and eight times that the UK was going to leave on the 29th of March, and then at the last minute she went back on her word; Jeremy Hunt was on her side of wanting to get this dreadful withdrawal agreement through, which wasn’t really a deal, it was a vassalage treaty. I wouldn’t trust Jeremy Hunt to be honest; he’s saying that early on in the campaign, but who knows what he’s going to say later on in October

As for Boris Johnson; he’s almost certain to win, and we’re getting polls being done for the whole population of the country, saying that people are swinging behind Jeremy Hunt, but those polls include Labour voters, Lib Dem voters, remainers, whoever but the only thing that’s important in this is the hundred and sixty thousand members of the Conservative Party, and they are without doubt going to vote overwhelmingly for Boris Johnson.

Sputnik: Would it be undemocratic to shut down parliament in order to deliver a no deal Brexit?

David Kurten: Any move to betray the democratic vote of the British people a third time would be undemocratic. That would be far more undemocratic than proroguing parliament for a few days in order to get through the decision of the British people in the referendum.

Whatever happens; that is the most important thing that is the issue that’s on the line, the democracy in this country. Brexit has been betrayed twice, and we’ve got to get it done by the 31s of October, otherwise, effectively democracy is dead in this country.

I’m happy with anybody that can deliver at WTO rules Brexit, because increasingly; fifty-two percent of the country voted to leave, we’re heading towards an absolute majority of people who just want to leave without a deal, get it done, that’s a democracy, that will be the future sorted.

Sputnik: If Boris Johnson became Prime Minister; would he necessarily win the next general election?

David Kurten: That’s a difficult one to tell because if Brexit is delivered; then you’ve got all the other kind of issues which will come back onto the table.

I call the Conservative Party the “fake” Conservative Party, because as well as betraying Brexit, they are pushing through with this HS2 project that hardly anyone wants, they are the party of mass migration; three hundred thousand a year plus, which people don’t want, they are forcing primary school children to have lessons in transgenderism, LGBT lessons against the wishes of the vast majority of people, they are not a proper Conservative Party.

Even if he does deliver Brexit; he will only be doing that because of the pressure on him from within his party, and from outside his party as well, from Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party and so on, but I think people want a proper Conservative government that is going to be  a party of free markets, not crony capitalism, the party of social conservatism, not left-wing progressivism, and so if those issues come back on the table, when they see that he’s actually a progressive corporatist, I think that people will actually reject him in a general election, come what may.

The views and opinions expressed by David Kurten are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
