Don't Mess With Me! Man Annoys Bear, Gets What's Coming

Following a bear in the forest is never a good idea, and this man learned it the hard way; he'll probably think twice before stalking any other wild animal.

A particularly curious Russian man apparently decided to live up to old stereotypes about his country and seek out a bear. Only things did not quite go as he expected. The man was stalking a bear in the forest while filming his actions with a camera. The man then approached one bear that seemed to be trying to get away from the annoying pursuer. The stalker then got too close to the bear and appears to have pushed the poor animal. But one can only tolerate such impertinence for so long, and the bear retaliated by attacking his tormentor. A blood-chilling scuffle ensued in which the man dropped his camera on the ground. In a few seconds, the Russian got to his feet and retrieved his camera.

'It bit my arm' - said the man as if he expected a more hearty welcome from the predator.
