Russian Netizens Target DiCaprio After Storming Lady Gaga's Instagram Over Shayk-Cooper Split

The “invasion” of Leo’s Instagram page apparently commenced after some netizens concluded that such stunts could be used to raise awareness about various important issues.

After the Instagram page of American singer Lady Gaga witnessed a veritable invasion of Russian-speaking netizens who heckled the celebrity for her alleged role in the split between Russian model Irina Shayk and her former beau Bradley Cooper, it appears that Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio now finds himself facing a similar predicament.

According to Russian media reports, the impromptu flash mob kicked off after one social media user described the comments left on Lady Gaga’s social media page as a “funny” stunt which the whole world learned about, and suggested that similar stunts could be used to raise awareness about “serious issues”.

As a result, the comment sections for DiCaprio’s Instagram posts now sport numerous messages left by Russian-speaking netizens pleading the star to help deal with environmental issues at Lake Baikal, frequently using hashtags like #savebaikal.

"Leo!! All of Russia and Ukraine, along with the entire former USSR, plead you to save our Baikal", user leo_save_baikal_please wrote, noting that he doesn’t really know how DiCaprio could do it. "There’s Russian spirit, you’re ¼ Russian – just like the Queen of England, but we won’t ask her for help!"

"You should see the logging around Baikal. Come here and take a picture!", photorogozin chimed, commenting on a post about deforestation in Brazil.

"I’m Ukrainian, hello Leo, #save_baikal, it’s very important!!!" mayzikin wrote in Ukrainian.

Some netizens, however, seemed more relaxed and less serious that the rest, with user nakovka.78 casually inquiring: "Say, are we just saving Baikal here, or can we just chat a bit?"

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Публикация от Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio)

A number of people also seemed to realize that addressing an English-speaking person in Russian might not be such a good idea and wrote their pleas in English instead, though it wasn’t immediately clear whether DiCaprio was made aware of the plight of Lake Baikal.
