Hundreds of netizens took to social media in a desire to get to the bottom of the phenomenon. Some were quick to dish out the apocalypse card, while others compared the eerie appearance of São Paulo to the setting of Mordor, a black, volcanic realm at the center of the fictional world created by writer J.R.R. Tolkien.
However, as it turns out, the Brazilian financial center was not exactly on the verge of hosting Sauron. According to experts, the dark skies were the result of three factors: smoke from forest fires in Bolivia, Paraguay and remote parts of Brazil; a cold front; and the fact that the city sits at an elevation of 2,500 feet.
“The smoke didn’t come from fires in the state of São Paulo, but from very dense and wide fires that have been happening for several days in [the state of] Rondonia and Bolivia,” Josélia Pegorim, a meteorologist with Climatempo, said in an interview with Brazilian media outlet Globo.
“The cold front changed direction, and its winds transported the smoke to São Paulo.”
According to local media outlets, the blackout last for about an hour.
Data released by Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) reveals that the number of wildfires in the South American country’s Amazon has seen an increase of 84% in 2019 compared to figures calculated the year prior. The fires responsible for the smoke in São Paulo have been burning for a period of more than 10 days.