First Gaga, Now Sly: Stallone's Instagram Page Mysteriously Targeted by Russian Trolls

The spamming of the veteran Hollywood action star, currently promoting his new movie ‘Rambo: Last Blood’, follows a similar trolling campaign against Lady Gaga and Leonardo DiCaprio earlier this year.

The last few posts of Sylvester Stallone’s official Instagram page have been bizarrely flooded with tens of thousands Russian-language comments asking him to ‘give them his clothes and motorcycle’, and saying they found their way onto his page thanks to a mysterious figure named ‘Garik’.

“I need your clothes and your motorcycle,” commentators repeated over and over, in obvious homage to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s catch phrase from Terminator 2, and possibly over Stallone’s revelation a few years ago that he “hated” Arnold during their competition for roles in 80s and 90s blockbusters.

“I need your motorcycle, keep the clothes,” one of the dozens of other variations of the phrase reads. “Excuse me, is this where they hand out the motorcycles and clothes?” another quipped. “I need your clothes, your motorcycle, a car, a house, a dog…I’m from Russia, I don’t have anything. Adopt me please,” another wrote. Under another post of Sly atop a horse, a user wrote that he hailed from Kazakhstan, and said “I simply need your horse!”

Others wrote seemingly random rants about philosophy and the meaning of life, exchanged recipes, or opened up a virtual listings page on Sly’s Instagram saying they had mushrooms or costumes for sale, and other random nonsense.

Thousands of commentators wrote that they had been sent by Igor ‘Garik’ Kharlamov, a Russian actor and comedian who has already previously mobilised his fans for mass spamming attacks against other celebrities, including Lady Gaga and Leonardo DiCaprio, in a bid to make the trolling a trend.

“Sylvester Batkovich, don’t be upset with Kharlamov; he’s our fool, and we, his followers, are complete idiots,” one user explained. ('Batkovich' is a Russian patronym used when someone wants to show respect, but doesn't know the addressee's father's name).

Garik has since called on his fans to move on to trolling Schwarzenegger himself, asking them to write the Lion King quote “Never forget who you are Simba” under Arnold's new posts.

Rambo: Last Blood, featuring Sly reprising his role as troubled Vietnam War vet and special operations commando John Rambo, will hit theatres worldwide next month. Previous films in the franchise took Rambo to Cold War battlegrounds Vietnam and Afghanistan, where he got revenge for America’s humiliation and helped the Mujahedeen defeat the Soviets. The new film is set in Mexico, with Rambo tasked with rescuing a friend’s daughter from a powerful drug cartel.
