Online Ads for 'Vagina Bible' Get Blocked by Social Media Platforms - Reports

The book’s publisher claimed that Twitter described the ads as "promoting adult sexual products and services" or containing "inappropriate language".

A considerable number of social media posts promoting the new book by popular obstetrician-gynecologist Jennifer Gunter called "Vagina Bible" ended up being shot down by the social media platforms, apparently due to the use of the words "vagina" and "vaginal".

As BBC News points out, however, the previously blocked tweets were eventually reinstated, while Facebook also gave the green light to posts with words like "vagina" and "vaginal health".

"We did not take action on Promoted Tweets from this account because of references to sexual organs, as those are permitted within our rules.  The rejection of some of the promoted content was due to a combination of human error and violations, including the use of profanity and adult products," a spokesperson for Twitter told the media outlet.

Many social media users, including the book’s author herself, appeared less than thrilled by this development.

Gunter’s publisher, Kensington Books, also claimed that “just one of seven submitted Facebook posts advertising its organisation has been approved” while Twitter insisted that its sponsored tweets were "promoting adult sexual products and services" or used "inappropriate language,"the media outlet said.

For example, one of their Facebook adverts which read "Dr Jen Gunter stopped by Teen Vogue to answer important questions about vaginal health" was axed because the publisher apparently "should not assume readers have health-related questions"; the ad was rejected again after being changed to "all the things you should know about your vaginal health" but was eventually approved when the word “vaginal” was edited out.
