Over 2,000 People Came to ‘Storm’ Area 51 Base in US Nevada – Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – More than 2,000 people gathered near the Homey Airport US Air Force base, known as Area 51, in the US state of Nevada to take part in the Storm Area 51 flash mob, US media reported.

In July, a Facebook page of the event was created, with more than 2.1 million people having expressed wish to “storm” the facility to learn whether there is evidence of human contacts with aliens at the base.

Some events as part of the flash mob were held on Friday in the nearby settlements of Rachel and Hiko, the 8 News NOW broadcaster reported. Some people came to the site dressed like aliens, while one man waved a flag of North Korea.

Area 51 plays a key role in many UFO and other conspiracy theories. Some people believe that the facility stores fragments of alien spacecraft that allegedly crashed at Roswell in 1947. The US authorities officially recognized the existence of the base only in 2013.
