Russian Military to Conduct Inspection of Region in Latvia Amid NATO Drills

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian military from September 23-26 to conduct an inspection of one of the Latvian areas amid the Silver Arrow 2019 NATO drills, the Russian Armed Forces' official newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) reported on Monday.

According to the newspaper, Latvia requested Armenia to conduct an inspection on its territory from September 24-27 within the framework of the 2011 OSCE Vienna Document on confidence-building and security measures, and Armenia agreed in response. Meanwhile, the Russian Defence Ministry facilities are located in the area.

"From September 23-26, a Russian team of inspectors will inspect one of the regions of Latvia. It is the area of approximately 16,000 square kilometres," the newspaper said.

According to Krasnaya Zvezda, the Russian inspectors will visit training areas, receive briefings on military units stationed in the area and military activities, including Silver Arrow 2019 NATO exercises of ground troops of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Montenegro, Albania, Spain, Italy and Canada. The drills will take place in Latvia from September 23 to October 6.

The newspaper noted that the Russian military was also planning to carry out inspection in Denmark.

The Vienna Document, signed by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe countries aims to reinforce security measures in Europe and envisages the member states providing each other with information on their armed forces, defence planning and military budgets, as well as exchanging military observers and inspections.
