'Adapt or Die!' UFO-Themed Brothel in Nevada Expands Into the Realm of High-Tech Sex

The brothel’s employees appeared excited about the new possibilities offered by the technological innovations introduced to the establishment’s list of services, with one courtesan claiming that she’s all about “diversifying” her portfolio.
As love dolls and various high-tech sex toys are becoming increasingly commonplace in the adult entertainment industry, a Nevada-based brothel called "Alien Cathouse" unveiled new additions to its menu which include their first sex robot.

As the establishment’s representative Rod Thompson explained to the Daily Star, the mechanical companion was added to their roster in order to help satisfy the cravings of certain clients, "fetishes that courtesans might not be interested in."

"The Courtesans are actually excited about the additional revenue stream to Alien Cathouse, and themselves …as well as the additional opportunities that might present themselves for interested parties wanting to party with a real flesh and blood courtesan and with an AI sex robot at the same time", said Thompson, commenting on the brothel’s employees reaction to this development.

Other new additions to the services offered by the brothel include the so called teledildonics, tech devices for remote sex, in order to allow people from other states or countries an opportunity to get intimate with their performers.

"Alien Cathouse really [caters for] towards individuals seeking to fulfil a sexual fantasy with a porn star and we are in talks with teledildonics manufacturers in regard to having each of our suites outfitted to accommodate this technology," Thompson remarked. "Some of the ladies are very excited about this, because they say it gives them an opportunity to give men, women or couples that chance to experience an encounter with a real courtesan at a brothel they might not normally, because of time and or distance be able to actually physically visit."

One of the cathouse’s courtesans, Stella Renee, added that she’s "very excited" about the new additions.

"Expanding our technological and social stiletto-print is imperative. Adapt or die!" she said. "I for one am all about diversifying my portfolio of sexy services to meet the needs of my beloved clients."