
Scary Beauty: People Who Don't Need Halloween Costumes


We all define beauty in different ways - something that is attractive to one person is ugly and disgusting to another. On the occasion of the Halloween weekend, we offer a selection of photos featuring people who have very extravagant looks, to put it mildly...

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Uruguayan tattoo artist Victor Hugo Peralta and his wife, Argentinian tattoo artist Gabriela Peralta. Peralta and his wife Gabriela are registered on the Guinness World Records as the married couple with most body modifications.
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Lucky Diamond Rich from New Zealand, who in 2006 earned the Guinness World Record as the world's most tattooed person. His body is 100 per cent tattooed, including the insides of his eyelids, mouth, ears and foreskin.
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US Erik Sprague, also known as "The Lizardman", poses with an iguana. Sprague is a freak show and sideshow performer, known for his body modification, including his sharpened teeth, full-body tattoo of green scales, split tongue, subdermal implants and recently, green-inked lips.
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US programmer Dennis Avner, more commonly known as "Stalking Cat"
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Australian performance artist Stelios Arcadiou, or Stelarc, who has a cell-cultivated ear surgically attached to his left arm. Stelarc has been experimenting with art and biomedical research for over 30 years. The philosophy behind his work: Prostheses not as means of compensating for physical deficiencies but rather as ways to enhance our physical capabilities.
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Mexican businesswoman, lawyer and tattoo artist María José Cristerna Méndez, known as the Vampire Woman. She has extensive body modifications, which she embarked on as a form of activism against domestic violence. She is recognised by Guinness World Records as the most tattooed woman in the world, with 96% of her body covered, and is one of the most famous personalities in the world of tattoo art.
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Colombian artist modifier of the body "Damian Carnicero"
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US actor and musician Paul Lawrence, better known as The Enigma
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The world's most pierced woman, Elaine Davidson from Brazil. Davidson claims to have upwards of 1,900 piercings and has an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.