Tangible Fame: Fans Flock in Droves to PewDiePie Meet-And-Greet in Canada

The event, which was held in Toronto, was apparently a success as a large number of people was filmed lining up, waiting for a chance to see PewDiePie in the flesh.

Popular Internet personality and the first YouTuber to reach the 100 million subscribers milestone, Felix Kjellberg a.k.a. PewDiePie, has recently managed to, perhaps inadvertently, demonstrate how famous he is when he and his wife Marzia took a trip to Canada.

'Hardcore Torontans'

During their stay in Toronto on the second day of their visit to the country, Felix and Marzia held a "Tsuki Pop Up" shop, which, as Dexerto explains, is a "clothing and home products range" designed by the couple.

In a video posted on 12 September titled “My 100 Mil Award Broke”, PewDiePie gave reasons for his change of heart over the previously-made decision to donate money to the US Anti-Defamation League
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The event seems to have become a huge success, as the video recorded by Pewds shows a large number of people lining outside, waiting for their chance to meet the celebrity.

"We have people waiting outside, apparently since 5am. But then we came and they were just like 'hey'. So polite", PewDiePie remarked.

He also noted that as they didn’t tweet about the event, it was the "hardcore 'Torontans'" who arrived at the venue to see him.
