Russian Scientists Come Up With Way to Save Humanity From Lack of Clean Water

Scientists at Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) have developed compact, cost-effective water treatment systems based on unique technology that will help provide remote settlements with drinking water, the university press service reported.

According to the UN, about two billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water. To solve this problem, the Pure Water programme was created in the Tomsk Region in 2017; in 2019, water treatment plants in the region were modernised as part of this programme.

According to TPU scientists, the new technology allows purified water to be supplied directly to the water supply network, and not to large wastewater treatment plants, as was the case earlier. This approach saves the cost of maintaining and reconstructing networks, as well as operating large water treatment plants.

“What’s unique here is high resource efficiency, which significantly reduces energy and water consumption, and compactness: the complex is located in an all-weather vandal-resistant 24-square metre mobile box that is adaptable to various feedwaters with various pollutants. In addition, the technology is equipped with a remote control and automation system based on modern programming and automation systems", Andrei Matveev, chief engineer of the TPU Pure Water Research and Production Laboratory, stated.

According to Tomsk scientists, unlike foreign analogues that use water treatment technology, Russian water purifiers consume significantly less energy.

In addition, the treatment technology is reagent-free; each water treatment plant is created for the specific needs of the village. All complexes are united by a single dispatching system, which allows the receipt of daily information on the equipment's condition and water and electricity consumption.

Currently, the stations operate in different areas of the Tomsk Region, including northern ones with severe climate conditions. Tens of thousands of villagers have received access to drinking water. TPU experts are confident that such water treatment plants can be used in all countries across the world with different climates.
