High Speed and Drone Control: Why China Needs 6G?

Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology recently announced the start of the development of sixth generation mobile communications (6G). The statement came right after China launched its commercial 5G networks.

Guo"Kunqi, professor at the School of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Jiangsu, has shared his views about the new generation networks and why China needs them.

The scope of 5G Internet is much broader than that of its predecessors. 5G can be used in such areas as communal services, driverless vehicles, telemedicine etc.

"For example, with 5G, one can adjust a drone's trajectory in a timely manner, while 4G has limited speeds. That is, 5G has already surpassed the third and fourth generation Internet in its scope of application. Moreover, 5G base stations will be newly constructed; this is a completely new concept because, with 3G and 4G, stations were only modernized", Guo Kunqi said.

The introduction of 6G will genuinely be a transition to a new era, the expert noted

"The most important feature of 6G is that it is a connection between a wireless network and a space satellite, which will help expand with a satellite in space, and which will help cover a much larger area. Since the current cellular service works with the help of base stations, the area that it covers is limited. Places with no Internet access can only rely on satellites, the most efficient of which operate at low-orbits, and cover rather vast areas quite cost-effectively", the expert stated.

Nevertheless, according to US CNBC Channel, most people still use the fourth-generation Internet; and many of them don't even see the difference between 4G and 5G.

Guo Kunqi thinks this situation is quite natural, as ordinary Internet users don't need it where they can do without high technology. Therefore, they don't notice the difference.

"As for ordinary users, they need the Internet, mainly for communication. In this case, it doesn't matter whether it is 5G or 6G, except that the Internet speed will be higher. This is especially true for downloads – their speed will be incomparably higher than 4G. That's the main difference", Guo said.

A meeting to launch research work on 6G technology was held in Beijing on 3 November. Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China Wang Xi noted that "developments in this area are still at the initial stage, the technical research route is unknown, key indicators and the scope of technology hasn't been formulated". The creation of an expert group which will include 37 experts from universities, research institutes and enterprises was also announced.
