Swiss Brothel Replaces Women With Sex Dolls Amid Skyrocketing Demand

The love palace has put a more than affordable price tag on the services of silicone lovers, which “are up for it” come rain or shine, with no “headache or period” excuses.

Swiss brothel Arsenal 51 has swapped many of its female staff for sex robots as demand for the latter is increasingly up among cash-strapped customers, The Daily Star reported.

Clients of the brothel in one of Lucerne’s districts are welcome to pick any of the twelve sex dolls on offer, while the human alternative is represented by just a couple of prostitutes.

The brothel offers the services at just 90 Swiss Francs (£70) a session whereas a female prostitute costs clients 200 Swiss Francs (£157) and onwards per session. Arsenal 51 assures it’s by far not the only advantage that sex dolls boast, as they “are always up for it, never have a headache, no periods, or bad moods”.

“She is always sexy, willing and ready for you and she will do anything you want with her. She can fulfil all your fantasies”, says the brothel, operating in a country where prostitution is legal and brothels get special licenses to run their businesses.

Upon request, sex dolls, which are advertised to be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected after every session, may be delivered to punters’ homes for their greater comfort.

According to Brigitte Snefstrup from the organisation Verein Lisa, which safeguards the interests of prostitutes in the region, “it is a new phenomenon that a brothel has almost only sex dolls on offer and not many prostitutes”, conceding though she doesn’t think that silicone lovers will completely take over from prostitutes as many punters seek “more than just sex”.

“A sex doll cannot replace human contact”, Snefstrup ascertained, while Felix Neuenschwander from the organisation "Praeventionsangebot fuer Freier Don", a group for men's sexual health, elaborated on the subject suggesting sex dolls are simply “a fetish of some”, much “like some men enjoy leather”.

Whatever it is – a fetish or not – courtesans from another brothel, also a legal one in the US state of Nevada, have already shared their concerns about an increasing number of lonely people turning to sophisticated sex machines. They noted in a June interview with the Daily Star that currently trendy inanimate companions may not only strip them of their trade but also may potentially deprive punters of any chance of “a healthy sex life”.
