'Most Intelligible Thing': Trump's Son Joins the #Fartgate Fray, Leaves Netizens in Stitches

While some social media users poked fun at Trump’s political opponents, others quipped about “whistleblowers” and wondered whether the emerging #fartgate might require a Mueller probe.

The peculiar and audible incident which erupted during the recent US Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell’s interview on MSNBC’s Hardball, which has already attracted the attention of many social media users, has now caught the eye of Donald Trump Jr.

During the interview, Swalwell’s speech was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise which resembled farting, leading many social media users to suspect that he was the perpetrator and spawning new viral hashtag, #fartgate.

“Most intelligible thing to come out of Swalwell in years”, the US president’s son tweeted.

​Many netizens seemed amused by this development, cracking jokes and poking fun at Trump’s political opponents.

​Some also jokingly described the congressman as a “whistleblower”.

And at least one person inquired whether this “who farted?” mystery requires the investigative skills of Robert Mueller.
