'Bring It On!': Prospect of Tesla vs Ford 'Apples-to-Apples' Challenge Sets Twitter Abuzz

Several social media users pointed out that the tweet sent by the Ford X vice president appears to be a “tongue-in-cheek” remark rather than a challenge to Tesla.

Tesla’s latest creation, Cybertruck, has once again been thrust into the limelight online after Sundeep Madra, vice president at Ford X, appeared to have thrown down the gauntlet to Elon Musk on Twitter.

As CNBC points out, this development comes after Musk presented a promotional video last week, featuring Cybertruck winning a tug-of-war battle against a Ford F-150.

​"Hey @elonmusk send us a cybertruck and we will do the apples to apples test for you," tweeted Madra on 25 November, with Musk promptly responding "Bring it on".

​As news of this development hit social media, some netizens didn’t seem to think highly of the Ford’s chances in such contest.

A number of people appeared to welcome the challenge.

Several netizens pointed out that Madra’s declaration was apparently just a “tongue-in-cheek” remark.

There were also those who went on to joke about the appearance of Musk’s creation.

And a couple of users quipped about a certain mishap that took place during the Cybertruck’s presentation.
