‘PISS OFF’: Passengers Disgusted as Man Urinates in Airport Terminal – Video

A video revealing revolting behavior was caught on camera and quickly posted on Instagram's 'passengershaming' account, a portal for sharing amusing and, in this case, less-than-amusing incidents of passengers in airports and on board airplanes, on New Year’s Eve on Tuesday.

A video on Instagram featured a man urinating on the floor of an airport terminal, while sitting beside a number of people, who were shocked by the incident. Neither the man nor the airport's name are identified in the video.

Passengers appeared in the video to have been shocked watching the adult, who was sitting next to them, as he urinated on the floor of the airport without paying attention to surrounding people.

Users on the social platform were predictably disgusted by the incident. One user commented that they hoped the man would be arrested, while another wondered “why isn't anyone doing anything about this. Just sitting there watching??”.

One commentators surprisingly defended the man saying: “Mind your own business. Let the man get some relief or give him a hand”, while another user questioned the authenticity of the video, arguing that the man was using a plastic bottle to imitate the sound of urinating.
