Tube-Shaped ‘UFO’ in Massachusetts Skies Spawns Conspiracy Craze

The sighting, which viewers deemed to be anything from a weather balloon to a covert operation vehicle, follows a Navy pilot’s recollection of a so-called “Tic Tac” alien craft that has been dominating UFO conspiracy YouTube channels ever since the officer’s video first emerged in 2004.

A puzzling video of a weirdly glittering object hovering above Massachusetts has sparked the wildest conspiracy hypotheses, pretty much like the notorious “snake-like” UFO sightings that made headlines last year.

The video was uploaded on Facebook by John Baglio, who shot it while driving on the highway between Malden and Boston with his son, having caught a glimpse of a spinning bright whitish object above his head.

"It's going right through the chemtrail", John says bringing up the traces thought to be left after aircraft.

"It’s weird, it looks like it is a tube", one commenter weighed in, as the so-called “UFO” is shown proceeding from one “chemtrail” to the other, gradually diminishing in size. Meanwhile, a UFO researcher has suggested it could well be a drone:

“What I know about this craft is they are cylinder-shaped and about 200ft long", a netizen posted, adding the type of object is frequently observed in England, Mexico, and elsewhere across the US.

Other viewers assumed it was likely nothing more than a weather balloon, rather than a UFO – a recurrent topic in the thread of comments.

John further explained the sighting to the Daily Star Online, especially singling out the object’s position in space:

"Now this thing here was about the size of a bus and it was just hovering over the highway incredibly low, probably about 200ft tops over the highway, I mean it was right above us and we drove directly under it and it had these two big lights that were facing forwards and the thing was moving", he noted, adding that he couldn’t hear anything suspicious at the time like “if I’d drive under a plane, it would have been incredibly loud even in a car", he rounded off.

The observation comes just weeks after news that a US Navy veteran who served on the USS Nimitz recounted seeing a "two-mile-wide" UFO above a military base. A witness said there is covert but clearer footage of the USS Nimitz UFO, officially classified as an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, with the video purportedly showing the puzzling object had legs.

The USS Nimitz UFO incident was confirmed as a radar-visual encounter of a UFO by US fighter pilots from the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, with the first encounter registered during drills in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern California on 14 November 2004, with subsequent ones following shortly thereafter.
