Jaw-Dropping Sight: Shark Spotted Swimming Near Beach in Australia

When you’re enjoying your vacation at the seaside, the last thing you want to see is a shark's fin in the water. Well, this is what happened to an Aussie in the coastal town of Noosa Heads in Queensland.

A person in Australia has filmed a blood-chilling encounter with a shark at a beach in Queensland. The person drove to the shore and took a swim in the ocean on a rather gloomy day with an overcast sky. While the beachgoer was walking along the shore, they saw something dark and menacing just above the surface of the water, not 200 metres away. The person quickly came to realise that it was, in fact, a shark's fin. The Aussie, probably happy that they were already on land, filmed the shark with their mobile phone, also managing to capture the moment its tail appeared above the surface. The marine beast appears to be dredging the bottom of the ocean with its body, visibly struggling to swim in the shallow waters.
