Who Would’ve Thought? CIA Documents Reveal Hitler Fantasized About Being Jesus Christ - Report

Adolf Hitler
The papers describe the leader of the Third Reich as a self-obsessed and sexually-inept angry man. Recently British historian Emma Craigie spoke about the intimate details of the Fuhrer’s sex life. Craigie claimed that the politician had a tiny penis, injected animal testosterone, and whipped dogs to impress his lover Eva Braun.

Adolf Hitler thought about being Jesus Christ and fantasized about being a second coming of the saviour in his formative years, the Daily Star reported citing declassified CIA documents. The 68-page profile on Hitler, made almost a year after the United States entered the Second World War, also claims that the leader of the Nazi party had a Messiah complex.

A secret file compiled by the Office of Strategic Services, a predecessor to the CIA, presented a biographical sketch of the Fuhrer. They were sent from Dr Henry Field to a top aide of US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. According to the file, Hitler was described as a sexually-inept, self-obsessed man. In particular, the document said that the Fuhrer dreamed of being a messiah who would clean u p Berlin, which he saw as a "babel of sin".

Hitler started thinking about himself as a demi-god in the early 1920s as he created the Nazi party, the declassified documents claim. By 1923, he began “to talk of himself as the scourging Messiah of the world”, the file reads. This thinking affected his politics and sex life. The papers describe how Hitler refuted a newspaper report, which said he was engaged to a sister of a certain Dr Sedgwick.

"Hitler was very much flattered by the rumour and when pressed [by Dr Sedgwick] said: ‘I authorise you hereby to tell the press that I shall never engage myself to a woman nor marry a woman. The only true bride for me is and always will be the German People'".

According to the file, Hitler’s friend Ernst Hanfstaengl said the Fuhrer viewed himself as a messiah after this speech. In another, the documents detail how Hitler fantasized about being Jesus Christ. "I was almost beside myself. I nearly imagined myself to be Jesus Christ", Hitler is reported to have said.

British historian Emma Craigie recently spoke about the intimate details of the Fuhrer’s sex life. Craigie claimed that the politician had a tiny penis, injected animal testosterone, and whipped dogs to impress his lover Eva Braun.
