Intense Sex With Thai Prostitute Reportedly Leaves Tourist With Torn Penis

As one of the rescue volunteers who responded to the injured tourist’s call explained, they were somewhat relieved when they learned what had actually happened.

A British man ended up writhing in pain and spraying blood all over the bed of a hotel room in Pattaya, Thailand after apparently displaying too much enthusiasm during a romp with a local sex worker, the Daily Star reports.

According to the newspaper, a team of paramedics rushed to the hotel "amid fears there had been a murder or attack" after the unfortunate tourist dialled the emergency services while "yelling incoherently down the phone".

"I picked up the phone and heard he was screaming so loudly. I only understood that he wanted us to go there as soon as we could," one of the rescue volunteers, Khun Tumrin, said as quoted by the newspaper. "When I entered the room and saw the bed sheet, I first thought there had been a stabbing".

Upon the volunteers’ arrival, the tourist, who was already dressed in shorts by that time, explained to them that he was having such intense sex with a Thai prostitute (who was also present in the room when the team got there) that his frenulum – a piece of tissue that connects the foreskin to the tip of the penis – got ripped, and that all the blood on the bed sheets came as a result of this minor injury.

"It was a big relief when we realised what had actually happened. He explained it was because he was having sex too hard with his escort for the evening," the volunteer added. "He was in a lot of pain but we thought it was very funny."

Even though the volunteer team administered first aid to the wounded Briton, the luckless sex tourist refused to go to hospital due to apparently being embarrassed by the nature of his injury.
