Astonishing Meteor Streaks Across Sky in England - Photo, Video

Approximately 54 tonnes of extra-terrestrial rocks reach Earth every day, including interplanetary dust, meteoroids and asteroids, according to the European Space Association (ESA).

A stunning view of a flying fireball in the night sky was captured by photographer Chris Small in the seaside resort town of Bude, northeast Cornwall, England, at 23:24 GMT on 21 January, the European Space Association (ESA) reported.

"It was incredible, and lit up the entire coast almost as bright as daytime for a few seconds. There were beautiful green and blue colours", the photographer said.

​The fireball was spotted by five observers, according to the International Meteor Organization that collects meteor observations from all over the world.

​The International Meteor Organisation also published a map with the meteor's trajectory, showing that the rock fell into the Bristol Channel.

Astonishing Meteor Streaks Across Sky in England - Photo, Video

Hundreds of fireballs hit Earth each year, according to the ESA. This rock appears to have been a big meteoroid, probably reaching a full metre in diameter.
