The woman, identified as Genea Sky, is seen in a now-viral video falling from the 15-foot pole onto the stage while performing. A second video circulating on the internet shows Sky continuing to twerk after slamming onto the floor.
In a video uploaded on her Instagram account Sunday, Sky admits that she suffered a fractured jaw and broken teeth as a result of the fall. She also describes getting stitches and said she would be undergoing surgery Monday, although she did not specify what kind of surgery she would be getting.
“I’m getting a lot of messages asking me if I’m OK,” Sky said in her emotionally-charged video. “I’m OK, and I just wanted to let everybody know that I’m good.”
“I have my life, and even with my injury to my face, it could have been a lot worse,” Sky added, also referring to her experience as “humbling.”
To help cover Sky’s medical expenses, her friend Ayana Knowles created a GoFundMe fundraising page. As of this article’s publishing, the campaign has nearly reached its $20,000 goal.
“My friend Genea was in a horrible accident while she was working. She now has a fractured jaw, broken teeth, and a sprained ankle. Her job does not cover the expenses of her medical bills. Since she sustained such serious injuries, she will be out of work for an extended period of time. Any donations towards her surgeries would be helpful and appreciated! Thank you all in advance,” the page notes.