UFO Hunter Spots Suspected Alien Craft Near ISS, Mulls Coronavirus' Threat to Extraterrestrials

The ongoing outbreak may result in an increase in UFO sightings as aliens may attempt to flee the planet, the conspiracy theorist speculated.

It seems that some enigmatic alien spacecraft has once again been spotted in the vicinity of the International Space Station, if the intrepid hunter of all things extraterrestrial Scott Waring is to be believed.

Detailing his findings in his blog "ET Database", Waring explained that he was watching the NASA live cam feed when he noticed that the camera zoomed in on "a strange object coming from below the space station", though the authenticity of the video he provided couldn’t be immediately verified.

"I believed if it was a capsule it would have gone into low earth orbit then lower to land. But when this object shot upward into deep space, it literally blew my mind", he wrote.

Waring also speculated that the object likely wasn’t some sort of a "USAF top secret alien tech fused craft", as the person on the camera appeared "dismayed and unprepared for its sudden appearance".


He also brought the ongoing coronavirus outbreak into the equation, speculating that as the pathogen is "spreading like a wildfire out of control", space aliens who might be present on Earth may decide to flee from the planet.

"If this is true, expect to see a big rise in UFO sightings as they appear from underground bases and leave Earth’s atmosphere", Waring warned.