Coronavirus is the Real Threat Not Climate Change

Whilst we have a global outbreak of Coronavirus, spoilt school kids led by the 'pigtailed puppet' Greta Thunberg are demonstrating and striking in Bristol today.

This event should have been cancelled and these kids should be sent back to school. The Lefty teachers who have encouraged this truanting also need to be sacked immediately they deign to go back to their classrooms.

In my previous column, I talked about the need for Boris to get a grip on this inevitable pandemic and it appears he is listening as at last, it looks like he is having the discussions that should have been had weeks ago.

Wrong Event at the Wrong Time

There is now much talk of major sporting events being cancelled like the Six Nations Rugby and I am predicting, despite what the Cheltenham Festival organisers are saying this morning, that the Gold Cup event will have to be cancelled too.

If the Government are now, at last, telling people to self-isolate and major events are being cancelled, why on earth are we allowing this "school strike" event to happen?

Schools are being closed the length and breadth of the UK but up to 60 thousand snotty-nosed, brainwashed kids are being allowed to gather in Bristol?

Coronavirus is the Real Threat Not Climate Change

Have they also considered the environmental impact of Mummy and Daddy driving them into the city and dropping them off in their Volvos?

Simply put, this genuflecting at the altar of Greta has got to stop.

The only good news is that Storm Jorge is rolling in and may well wash some of these snowflakes away. But seriously, the police should not be having to deal with this event either, frankly, this is the wrong event at the wrong time.

Final question, why can't they protest on a Saturday rather than in school time? I wonder? Why couldn’t they protest last week during half term? Answers on a postcard, please.

Raise Your Head Above the Parapet

But of course, the two words you can never criticise are "Climate and Change". The MSM and politicians of all shades have been convinced that we are facing a "climate emergency". I don't know about man's contribution to global warming but there is certainly lots of hot air around the subject, even hysteria.

However, I am sorry to rain on Greta's disciples' parade but I have to tell them that the public is not so convinced. If we were, then the Greens would have more than one MP and have to find a bigger room than a phone box to hold their party conference

But if you dare to raise your head above the parapet and say you disagree then, if you're a scientist like David Bellamy, your TV career is over.

If like me you are just a cynic about man-made climate change, you are labelled a "Boomer", an "old man picking on a young girl" or "pale, stale and white". What on earth the colour of my skin has to do with this debate is beyond me, but so be it!

Sleepwalking Into a Nightmare

This climate hysteria is now seriously getting out of hand we even had the inept and useless mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, celebrating on Twitter yesterday about the court case stopping the third runway at Heathrow.

He breathlessly declared, "BREAKING: We won! Today we blocked the Tory government plans to build a third runway at Heathrow Airport. Today's judgment is a major victory for all Londoners who are passionate about tackling the climate emergency and cleaning up our air".
Coronavirus is the Real Threat Not Climate Change

This man is meant to represent Londoners and he is celebrating that the main European airline hub for travellers will now move to Amsterdam or Germany! He is an absolute clown!

Sadiq, you are the Mayor of London and your responsibility is to Londoners and their economy and jobs. You are not a student activist, grow up you SJW, virtue signalling woke fool.

Not content with ceding the streets to the murdering knife-wielding and gun-toting yobs, he is now throwing away a major employment opportunity. But the delicious irony is that he will probably get re-elected. I don’t know about the "woke" but Londoners are sleepwalking into a nightmare if they re-elect this Muppet.

Fiddling Whilst Rome is Burning

Then, of course, the King and Queen of the WOKE are back in the UK. Well at least "just call me Harry" is. How many more transatlantic flights is he going to take whilst lecturing us on Global warming?

He was in Edinburgh to launch some kind of eco-travel agency, I must admit I didn't pay much attention to what he was bleating on about, apart from the fact that after travelling by plane to London he then travelled to the Scottish capital on a train.

That was so eco-friendly, wasn't it? Until we learned that he booked out a whole first-class carriage for himself and his entourage. Very eco!

However, he won't need so many seats in the future as the Canadians have stated, in no uncertain terms, that when he finally stops being a royal (and let's face it, his retirement is taking longer than Yul Brynner's death scene in the King and I) they will no longer pay for his security.

Coronavirus is the Real Threat Not Climate Change

I do hope we follow suit as I don’t see why we should be picking up the tab for this leeching pair as they build their tawdry Hollywood careers on the back of our Royal family and history.

When will all this hypocritical nonsense finish?

Will it take the collapse of the world's economy to convince politicians, silly teenagers and lefty teachers that there will be no world to save if we don't get on top of this coronavirus outbreak?

We are literally fiddling whilst Rome and many other capital cities are burning. The stock markets are falling like a stone and have had their worst week since the financial crash in 2008.

This is the real world, not the fantasy politics of offsetting your carbon footprint by getting Elton John to plant a few trees and marching through Bristol in the rain.

Grown-ups, and by that I mean politicians, need to get a grip and ban flights, cancel big public events and close our borders immediately.
