Let’s Nap Instead! Cute Cat Opposes Study Time

Have you ever tried to concentrate on something important, but just couldn’t focus? Well, over the weekend, a strong-willed, snoozy kitty thwarted all efforts by her owner to do just that.

On Saturday, a student in Škofja Loka, Slovenia, found it a bit difficult to focus on his studies. Footage shared by Viral Hog on YouTube captures a gray cat lying on her owner’s desk while he attempts to do homework. 

The feline, however, has other ideas and decides she wants to lie atop the open textbook and notepad filled with his answers and notes. Although he repeatedly moves her off of his class materials, the unrelenting, sleepy kitty persists. 

In a statement given to the outlet, the owner wrote: "While studying, my cat wanted to sleep on my books from which a was learning. I tried to move her, but she insisted on sleeping on my books. So I left her be and stopped studying."

Hopefully, this reason for not having his homework done goes over well with the teacher! 
