Mugshots of Beautiful US Female "Felon Fatales" Go Viral Thanks to One Crafty Netizen

The creator of the Mugshawtys reportedly said that he does not seek to profit from his social media account, and that he immediately complies if one of the ladies asks him to take down her photo, however infrequent such requests may be.

A social media account that posts mugshots of attractive female lawbreakers has recently gained quite a bit of popularity online, amassing an over 200,000-strong audience on Twitter.

According to the New York Post, Mugshawtys’ creator Josh Jeffery revealed that while previously he had to go through mugshot databases himself, now "wannabe felon fatales" actually ask him to post their pictures.

"A lot of people send me their own mugshots — I get probably 15 to 20 plus [direct messages] a day of different ones," he explained. "A lot of what I post is submissions."

​He noted that the ladies who send him their photos "definitely want some kind of exposure", some of them even asking him to mention their crowdfunding accounts in order to help them raise bail.

Jeffrey also described the US justice system as "a joke", pointing out how he often stumbles upon pictures of women who got charged with felonies "which hardly seem criminal to him", as the newspaper put it.

​He added that he does not seek to profit from his social media account, and that he immediately complies if one of the ladies asks him to take down her photo, however infrequent such requests may be.

“If there’s anybody that doesn’t want their picture on there, I take it down with no questions asked,” Jeffery stated. “I don’t put information out there if the [women] don’t want it”.
