
$500 Million Flash in the Pan

Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg only won one primary event out of 15 jurisdictions (14 US states and one territory) that held elections on Super Tuesday 2020. After spending at least $500 million of his own money on ads alone, will Bloomberg be relocating to American Samoa – the only place he won against his opponents?
After his last-minute entry just three months ago to vie for the Democratic nomination to square off against Republican incumbent US President Donald Trump in November, former Republican and ex-mayor of the Big Apple has just as suddenly dropped out.

Former US Vice President Joe Biden had a massive victory Tuesday, winning in at least 10 states and gaining the support of around 450 pledged delegates, closely followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) who emerged as the winner in California, the delegate-richest state. When Bloomberg dropped out the next day, he rushed to buttress the new front-runner.

Perhaps that money would have been better spent on a flight to the South Pacific, the only place that seems to want him? 

