'Something You Hear in a Zombie Apocalypse': Comedian Jokes About COVID-19 Containment in New York

The measures recently announced by New York governor Andrew Cuomo apparently involve the creation of a containment zone around the center of the coronavirus cluster in New Rochelle.

As the ongoing spread of COVID-19 coronavirus seems to be unsettling quite a few people around the world, with some rushing to stockpile on supplies and toilet paper, it appears others are taking it in their stride and even joking about the current state of affairs.

During a recent episode of "The Late Show", host Stephen Colbert jokingly compared the containment measures announced by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to something one might encounter in a zombie apocalypse fictional setting.

The measures in question apparently involved the creation of a containment area around the center of the coronavirus cases’ cluster in New Rochelle and may involve the deployment of the National Guard, according to CNN.

"The National Guard! Containment area! These are ‘Family Feud’ answers for the question ‘Name something you hear in a zombie apocalypse", Colbert said.

He also quipped about Cuomo describing the situation as 'a matter of life and death' as being an attempt to "calm anxious residents".
