Watch What Might Happen if You Break Quarantine Rules in Spain (Spoiler: You Could Be Arrested)

Spain declared a state of high alert on 14 March, limiting the movement of people for 15 days, with a possible extension by parliament if necessary. People are only allowed to go outside to shop for necessities.

Spanish police have been captured on video while talking to a motorcyclist who was apparently breaching the quarantine measures that have been imposed in the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The officers are seen allegedly asking the motorcyclist to get off his vehicle and present documents that let him travel during the high alert regime. The situation then becomes tenser and the man gives one of the policemen a push. The two officers immediately react, forcefully removing the man from the motorcycle and drag him along the road. As a result, the police arrest the motorcyclist and keep him on the ground until another local police patrol arrives.

Ignasi Gimenez Renom, the mayor of Castellar del Valles, has commented on the matter on Instagram, saying that the man had already twice broken the quarantine measures and had been fined 700 Euros for ravaging a playground with his motorcycle. He also stated that the authorities would review the actions of the local police officers during the detention.  

Spain is the second most affected country in Europe after Italy in terms of confirmed COVID-19 cases. The number of infections has exceeded 64,000, with 7,900 confirmed in the past 24 hours.

The World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on 11 March. More than 487,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus worldwide, with over 22,000 fatalities, according to Johns Hopkins University.
