Bodybuilder Postpones His Wedding to Sex Doll Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

With the epidemic still raging, and self-isolation recommended across the whole globe to curb its spread, a Kazakh citizen has opted to pull back the reins a bit to figure out a more sumptious way of celebrating his nuptials.

A bodybuilder infatuated with his curvy, albeit plastic fiancee, sex doll Margo, has made up his mind to postpone their wedding due to the coronavirus crisis, deeming the time inappropriate for the landmark ceremony.

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Кисуль, заруби себе на носу! Никогда не критикуй его друзей!!! Ни-ко-гда!!! Есть незыблемые истины: 📌Нельзя мочить манту! 📌Нельзя есть желтый снег! 📌Нельзя смотреть на сварку! 📌Нельзя критиковать его друзей! Как только ты произнесла что-то типа - Что может быть общего у тебя с этим *** ? Все! Можешь искать нового парня. Ибо он задаст себе такой же вопрос ,но только уже в роли *** - ты,моя девочка. Запомнила? Повтори! Умничка. Неси зачётку! #маргомудрости #женщина_киборг #марговпп #марго404 #куколка #бабатолочкокачкакрасавчика

Публикация от Ты узнаешь меня сразу 😏 (@margo_party)

“Dear friends, our wedding has been postponed due to self-isolation", a Kazakhstan-based sports buff, who is also an actor, told his followers on Instagram, much to their disappointment as they were expecting a bunch of new catchy updates on social media. Previously, he said that the 27th of March is a day that bears a lot of significance for him because of his weakness for acting.

“It was very important for me that the party took place on that date, World Theatre Day, and my baby supported me on this", he said.

The fitness enthusiast has been planning the big day since December, but now, after the postponement he made clear he is willing to plan something even more grand for the occasion, adding the celebration would span several days. He also noted he is searching for an appropriate family home - in Almaty or Nursultan - to buy for himself and his would-be plastic wife.
