Netizens Mock Azealia Banks For Calling Russian Cuisine 'Most Barbaric Peasant Food'

The singer’s remarks frequently land her in hot water. After visiting Russia last august, Banks said she wanted to make a T-shirt with a Russian word used to insult people from the Caucasus. That same year, the rapper called Irish women "f**king ugly*" after she had an incident during a flight to the Republic of Ireland.

US rapper Azealia Banks has trashed Russian cuisine, calling it the "most barbaric peasant food". In her Twitter post, the 28-year-old wrote: "Please go eat some deer cheeks and beets and go wash your a** in the town well".

At the same time, the singer noted that she likes Russia’s blini (crepes), honey cake "medovik", and smoked fish, pickles, and caviar, which are central to Russian cuisine. Banks also boasted of her culinary skills, saying she would cook Russian dishes better than the Russians themselves.

We can't say for sure how good the singer's blinis and Olivier salad are, but her chicken with rice looks... strange.

​Social media users from Russia were baffled by the way Banks described the country's cuisine. Some noted that the dishes she mentioned have nothing to do with real Russian cooking.

​Other netizens mentioned dishes that the singer needs to try in order to understand Russian cuisine.

​Other social media users found the rapper’s post extremely insulting.

​Still others made fun of her statement.
