By Offering to Review UN Interim Force Mandate in Lebanon, US Wants to Remove Hezbollah From Power

The UN Security Council, at a closed online meeting, has discussed changes to the UNIFIL mandate, which expires in August. The US, in turn, is seeking its extension and revision, noting that UNIFIL can assist Lebanon in overcoming its current crisis. Moreover, they claim that Hezbollah's forces are blocking the UN mission.

In an interview with Sputnik, experts explained how UNIFIL's activities in southern Lebanon could change, and whether the US is thereby trying to put pressure on Lebanon, particularly Hezbollah.

Lebanese security and strategic expert Charles Abi Nader believes that the US is trying to lobby the interests of Israel – they have long disliked the dangerous neighbourhood with Hezbollah.

“It is no secret that Washington always plays along with Israel and protects its interests”, he says.

According to the Lebanese expert, this is why the US is trying to present Hezbollah in the most negative light. At the same time, Hezbollah is not taking any action that would be contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 1701, while Israel continues to penetrate Lebanese airspace.

“Yet, they are still trying to write off any violations to Hezbollah, looking for a reason to tie their hands at the Lebanese border”, Charles Abi Nader says.

Speaking about the allegations against Hezbollah, the expert stresses that it is not exactly clear how the organisation is blocking the UN mission's activities.

“Indeed, Hezbollah has weapons that it can use to protect the border with Israel. But if Washington and Tel Aviv do not like that the border is protected, they will try to prevent it by any means possible”, he notes.

Charles Abi Nader adds that a missile defence system and the missiles themselves are essential to the movement as the Lebanese Army cannot have such weapons. He, therefore, believes only Hezbollah can provide security for the country's airspace.

Hezbollah Might be Blamed for Lebanon's Economic Woes But Its Public Support Won't Wane - Analyst
Conversely, Lebanese political analyst and journalist Mohamed Saeed Al-Raz believes that the US is trying to put pressure on Lebanon from all sides. In addition to the economic pressure on the country, there is now pressure being put on the security system.

“The US is trying to get Hezbollah removed from power, which entirely benefits Israel's regional policy. And if that happens, the movement can be disarmed. Even Hassan Nasrallah (current Secretary-General of the Lebanese political and paramilitary party Hezbollah – ed. note Sputnik) has repeatedly said that US and Israeli actions in the region are dangerous. They have to be stopped. And neither Lebanon nor Hezbollah is going to give up”, he says.

UNIFIL is an interim UN peacekeeping force deployed in southern Lebanon on the border with Israel since March 1978, according to UN Security Council Resolution 425. The mandate of the force is renewed every six months.
