Hurry Up Already! Golden Retriever Family Waits to Take Baby on Stroll

As the summer weather gets nicer by the day, many of us are eager to get outside to savor it. Our pets are no different when it comes to wanting to enjoy the outdoors, as a trio of golden retrievers recently demonstrated.

Footage shared on Instagram captures Kono, Kylie and Kenai, a golden retriever family residing in Orlando, Florida, all set and ready to take their human baby “sibling” on a walk around the neighborhood. 

“Walk the dogs, push the stroller... do I have to do everything around here???” Kono, one of the three adorable retrievers who is seen holding the stroller handle with his paw, “wrote” on the social media post. 

Although patiently waiting, the canines cannot help but look happy to take part in the family activity. So sweet!
