UFO Experts Reveal Truth Behind Alleged 'Alien Crash' in Brazil

In May, the social media networks were flooded with photos and videos allegedly depicting the harsh landing of an extraterrestrial object in Brazil’s eastern forest. However, many of the clips soon disappeared from the feed, leading to speculations about a conspiracy behind the story.

Experts from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a non-governmental organisation studying alleged sightings of aliens, have called the story behind a purported UFO crash in Brazil “an elaborate hoax”, as quoted by The Express.

The footage allegedly showing a falling spacecraft made a lot of noise this May, with many speculating that an object had crashed in Brazil’s forest of Mages, near Guanabara Bay. The hashtag #MageUFO was even trending on Twitter for some time, but it soon lost it relevance, as many clips of the alleged incident were deleted from the social media.

Brazilian outlet UOL argued that there was no record of unidentified aircraft flying over the territory at the time of the reported incident, citing Air Force data. And the investigation into the Mage incident led by the Brazillian Director for MUFON Ademar José Gevaerd has now concluded that the whole story was not real.

“My team and I have intensively investigated this alleged case and found out that it is a total hoax,” the Brazilian urologist revealed.

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“It started with a fake audio about a supposed UFO crash published over the net, later assumed to be a fabrication by the female author,” Gevaerd added. “As time went on, the story got bigger and bigger every day, with many alleged witnesses making all sorts of claims, all disconnected from each other, all exaggerated, and mostly lies.”

Some videos of the supposed UFO sighting can still be available on Twitter under the #MageUFO hashtag with speculations regarding the potential cover up of the story. However, the MUFON team, which is used to study similar instances, has determined that this time space intruders have passed us by.
