Boris Follow Patrick!

I predicted a riot last weekend but I didn’t predict the emergence of a new UK hero.

The picture of Patrick Hutchinson carrying a bloodied and battered white man on his shoulder and rescuing him from an angry crowd should be a turning point for our ‘Dis-United’ Kingdom.

Extremists on the Far right and Far left have been determined to divide us on race grounds ever since the brutal racist murder of George Floyd. They have infiltrated both sides but in this one defining moment we should all realise - we are stronger together in unity rather than being divided by fanatics or racists.

We all need to hold this image of Patrick in our mind as we move forward and rebuild the UK after the last few weeks of turmoil and the months of Lockdown.

Drag This Nation off the Floor

Boris needs to show the same bravery and humanity as Patrick did and jump in with both feet and drag this Nation off the floor.

Boris won the election basically on a manifesto of optimism and a bright Brexit future and he now needs to employ that same ability to unite the UK and drive us out of the lockdown.

Tough and uncomfortable decisions need to be made now and there is no more time for dither and delay. We had too much of that going into the lockdown, most people now accept it was all too little and much too late.

His dithering over the demonstrations over the last two weeks has not helped either. We either have a lockdown for all or not at all. Both weeks’ protests should have not been allowed and now he needs to state there will be NO more.

If he can ban large crowds at football and other sporting events, where arguably the sporting authorities could put in place the requisite social distancing polices, why is he allowing mass protests to happen, that quite evidently can’t put COVID safety first?

By the same logic, if people can travel on the Tube and public transport with a mask why can’t cinemas and theatres re-open with the same safety measures in place? Answer, they could and they should.

Shakespearian Question

Boris also needs to get on top of his almost Shakespearian dilemma of ‘Two metres or not two metres that is the question’. With apologies to the Bard but this is one of the most pressing and muddled questions of our post lockdown future.

WHO recommend at least one metre and many other countries have gone for this distance too. However, we are stuck with 2 metres which is wrecking any hope of the hospitality sector ever recovering.

But as evidenced by the almost riot to get into NIKE Town in London yesterday the UK populations speaking with their sneaker clad feet and just ignoring social distancing rules when there is a deal on the table.

I predict it will be the same when pubs re-open too. The Government have already admitted they won’t be able to police the social distancing rule in our boozers so again the public will actually make up the effective rules if Boris doesn’t show clear leadership and give logical non-contradictory advice.

Meanwhile some Tory MP’s are claiming that 3.5 million jobs are at risk if it is not relaxed immediately. I can see no reason at all why pub gardens have not been re-opened already.

Education Football

If Boris really believes that we are all in this together he is correct to perform a u-turn and now back Manchester United player, Marcus Rashford in his campaign to extend free school dinners through the summer.

I was a free school dinners kid after my mum died and it was a life saver then and it is today.

Post lockdown working class kids need this and the cost is minuscule compared to the other fiscal rescue packages already given out by Rishi Sunak during the pandemic.

This move sends a clear message that the government are aware and concerned about the needs of the poorer communities in the UK.

However, Boris needs to stamp on all this nonsense about when schools are going back. He should just front this up and say all schools will reopen in September as per usual and that there is ample time for the lefty teachers Unions to get their act together. Our kids’ futures and education should not be used as a political football by either side.

Boris needs to send the same tough message to our Universities and tell them they will be reopening next term and will be giving students the full education, that they’re now forced to pay for.

How the hell has Cambridge University been allowed to turn itself into a virtual ‘Open University’ is beyond me.

They want all students to do distance learning for the next academic year! University is about more, much more, than just how the lectures are delivered. Again, Boris should tell the Boffins about face masks and hygiene and instruct them to get back to real work and real education.

Road Map Back to Work

Of course, we should shield those most vulnerable and look out for our fellow men and women just as Patrick did this weekend but if the rest of us are fit enough to fight for a pair of trainers in a shop then surely, we are ready to get back to work?

What we need from Boris and his Boffins is clarity and a clear road map out of this terrible time. He promised us this weeks ago but at the moment we still seem to be stuck in a policy confusion cul-de-sac.

Now before you shout, but you were in favour of a lockdown Jon, let me address that point. Yes, indeed I was. But I wanted a sharper, quicker, harsher lockdown weeks before Boris pulled his libertarian finger out.

I wanted our Island Nation closed to all. I wanted airports testing all arrivals and I wanted mass testing of our population.

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We got none of this but now that we seem to have flattened the curve and protected the NHS I am afraid that I and you have to take the gamble, and say with adequate measures in place we have all got to get out there and start to live again.

I won’t be rushing to Primark or a fast food joint but I do want the ability to try and get back to normal and not the dystopian new normal that politicians still seem to want to impose on us.

I, and I figure millions of others, have now decided what our personal circle of risk is and will continue to wash our hands, take precautions and look after our fellow man.

I used to love it when Boris gave a classical quote but at this time Boris, we need less Aristotle and much, much more Patrick Hutchinson Style direct action.
