Social media users lambasted rapper Puff Daddy, known by his numerous stage names, for supporting Louis Farrakhan, the 87-year-old bow tie-wearing leader of the Nation of Islam. The Grammy-winning artist posted video promoting Farrakhan’s message, aired on Revolt TV on 4 July, Independence Day in the United States.
During his message, Farrakhan criticised Donald Trump for urging people in Africa not to get vaccinated against coronavirus, and spoke on the killing of African-American former convict George Floyd, whose death sparked global protests against racial discrimination. "We can’t trust you no more, white folks. Not with our lives," the leader of the Nation of Islam said.
Puff Daddy’s support for Farrakhan, particularly his decision to call the political activist 'honourable minister' drew ire from netizens, who called Farrakhan an anti-Semite and a racist.
Other users said the political activist doesn’t represent American values and alleged that he was involved in the killing of human rights activist Malcolm X.
Still others noted that Farrakhan’s is trying to eradicate discrimination with bigotry.