
'Feds Go Home': Havoc in Portland, Oregon as City Consumed by Anti-Racism Protests


Smoke, litter, clamour, loud bangs, scores of angry people and heavy-armed federal police officers - this is what the citizens of Portland, Oregon witnessed in the early hours of Wednesday as demonstrations against racism and police brutality engulfed the city.

Sputnik invites you to have a peak at the havoc wreaked in the city in a photo gallery which our team prepared for you.

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Smoke pellets launched during protests in Portland
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Heavily-armed federal police officers dispatched to Portland to contain the unrest
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A man holding placard 'Feds Go Home'
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A disabled person at the protest against racial inequality in Portland
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Protesters near grafitti-covered courthouse
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Mark O'Hatfield courthouse in Portland, where protesters gathered to speak out against racism
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Demonstrators wearing masks and protective headwear during the protests in Portland
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Protests have been ongoing in Portland for nearly two months, sparked by George Floyd's killing
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Protesters defaced the walls of the courthouse with graffiti
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Two demonstrators sitting in the middle of the road in Portland
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Federal police officers at the scene of the protests
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Green fumes are rising as a smoke pellet was launched at the protests