Fashion First Contact: Trump Reportedly Tapped First Lady Melania to Design Space Force Uniforms

As the US Space Force (USSF) slowly assembles its panoply of emblems, name tags and other identifying paraphernalia, US President Donald Trump has floated the idea that first lady Melania Trump, known for her impeccable fashion sense, could design the service’s uniforms.

In a spotlight story on the US military’s newest service branch, Time magazine revealed the US commander-in-chief suggested in earnest that Melania Trump design the Space Force’s uniforms.

The information was passed to Time by four officials familiar with the matter, who said that Trump introduced the idea during a January 15 meeting with USSF Chief of Operations Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper and other top brass.

Other topics discussed at the meeting reportedly included what the USSF seal would look like.

At first glance, the Slovenian-American former model might have been a good bet to lend the Space Force some truly haute couture: her fashion taste is always the talk of the town, whether she’s visiting Queen Elizabeth II or just popping into Mar-a-Lago resort.

However, the brass apparently didn’t bite, because just two days later, the USSF Twitter account posted images of the branch’s new apparel.

​Its camouflage design drew widespread criticism and mockery, even inspiring an episode of the Netflix comedy show “Space Force” that featured uniforms designed for camouflage on the moon.

​Of course, one thing can be certain: any space cadet sporting FLOTUS’ finery definitely wouldn’t blend in!