Coronavirus in UK: ‘Government Must Take the Lead on COVID’, Commentator Says

The British Medical Association’s top doctor has warned that the government is not doing everything it should be to stop the second wave of coronavirus from hitting the UK.

The intervention comes as Boris Johnson pointed the finger at Europe and said “swift” action was being taken to prevent localised outbreaks identified on the continent spreading back to the UK.

The London Mayoral Candidate Winston McKenzie reflects on the measures which have been taken by the UK government to stop the spread of the coronavirus infection.

Sputnik: How true are these statements from the BMA? Do you think the government is doing enough to protect citizens from a second wave on the virus?

Winston McKenzie: We are dealing with a prime minister that doesn't really give us much hope. We elected a prime minister to lead us, the country needs leadership, and now he's supported the position by giving it to someone else to represent him. What we need, in order to stop this coronavirus pandemic, which is what it is; they know in their mind's eye that we could get a second wave. We need to take all precautions. The way we should deal with this pandemic - we need to be upfront and straightforward. There are small businesses, which are cogs in the machinery. The small businesses are really struggling and suffering at the present moment. We've got our hand sanitizers, we've taken all precautions with social distancing, and it's still going on. There should be no threat to us of ever thinking about going backwards, and quarantining and shutting down businesses again. This country needs to work. We need to move forward. Small Businesses need to get going before we see absolute anarchy on the streets.

Coronavirus in UK: ‘Government Must Take the Lead on COVID’, Commentator Says

Sputnik: On the subject of small businesses; are the Conservatives doing enough to protect these smaller businesses as well as the big businesses from the looming recession?

Winston McKenzie: So many of the rich and wealthy have saved so much money now by not having to travel and being furloughed working from home, those who have been furloughed, maybe they're not having such a bad time; but the others who have to claim for grants and various other financial aspects to keep themselves going have really struggled. The government have backed out. They've completely backed out. As far as they concerned the top end is okay but the little man at the bottom whose businesses have been completely decimated, let's face it, their businesses are completely decimated because of the Tory inept attitude with regards to employment with regard to business and industry. Even some of the biggest industries that British Airways, you know our pride and joy British Airways, they're on the verge of total collapse. When is this lacklustre government going to stand up and be counted? The government must take the lead on COVID.

Sputnik: What should the government be doing to protect the UK against a 2nd wave of the virus?

Winston McKenzie: You can see exactly what's going on, I mean, it's not rocket science. All of us, we know there's a greater agenda. There is a bigger agenda. Nobody is interested. They're only interested in the elite. Even banks are very fragile at the present moment. Gold has begun to shoot through the roof and people will soon be drawing their money, their funds out of the bank and invest in gold because the economy; the fiscal aspects of the economy cannot be trusted. We remember the massive run on the banks several years ago and I believe now that we are heading towards dire straits and unless the likes of Boris Johnson and his cabinet take hold and stop pretending we're playing toy soldiers... we're seeing now our Prime Minister relinquishing his responsibilities, using our taxpayers' money to pay another hundred thousand pounds to some crony in his cabinet to run to be the face of the prime minister, what nonsense is that?
