Russian MiG-31 Fighter Jets Scrambled to Intercept US Global Hawk Drone Over Sea of Chukotsk

Earlier this month, the Russian military confirmed it had to scramble jets to intercept numerous American aircraft flying over the Black Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk, as well as a Norwegian Falcon 20 jet over the Barents Sea.

Russian fighter jets intercepted an American UAV over the Sea of Chukotsk, the National Defence Management Centre stated on Tuesday.

"On 11 August Russian air control systems over the neutral waters of the Sea of Chukotsk detected an air target approaching the Russian border. In order to intercept the target, three MiG-31 fighters from the air defence forces of the Eastern Military District were scrambled", the official statement says.
Russian MiG-31 Fighter Jets Scrambled to Intercept US Global Hawk Drone Over Sea of Chukotsk

According to the authorities, the aircraft was identified as an RQ-4B Global Hawk.

The UAV flew away from the border without violating the boundary, and the jets returned to their airbase, the military concluded, noting that the operation was performed in accordance with international law.
