Coronavirus: UK is Not Getting Leadership From PM Boris Johnson, Pundit Says

Britain’s government has U-turned on its decision for the use of face coverings in English schools following pressure on the Prime Minister from unions, opposition parties and schools.

Political commentator Graham Eardley looks at the UK's response to the coronavirus in more detail.

Sputnik: Is Boris Johnson right to U-turn on this issue?

Graham Eardley: I think that Boris Johnson should make up his mind and lead. We're not getting leadership from him, we're getting so on who's flapping in the wind, one day saying one thing and the next day saying another thing. Okay, circumstances do change but even so, as with the face coverings with school, as with which countries you can visit and which you can't visit, we seem to be getting very little notice and you just don't know what's happening from one day to the next. No wonder school children and parents are somewhat confused on the issue.

Sputnik: After yet another embarrassing U-turn for the government… how successful have they been in tackling the coronavirus and ultimately governing the country?

Graham Eardley: Obviously some of the measures had to be introduced at the start of coronavirus such as the lockdown. You could argue the lockdown should have been introduced earlier but then again, you've got countries such as Sweden, which haven't gone into a full lockdown and have kept their services open. I'm no scientist, I don't pretend to have any background on viral infections, but what I do recognise is the question of leadership and to my mind; you go down the path and as much as you can you stick to it.

Sputnik: How does this all compare to rumours of Boris Johnson potentially stepping down as Prime Minister in 6 months’ time? For example, are you surprised by these rumours and is there any truth in them? 

Graham Eardley: You hear that Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson's Chief Advisor, is going to be leaving at the end of the year from some sources although that's to be confirmed and if Dominic Cummings goes, you then have to question the longevity of the Prime Minister himself. You think with how things have gone over COVID whether or not he will stick it out. It's quite possible he will deliver Brexit. Either a deal or without a deal and then just say thank you very much, I have delivered Brexit, that is my legacy goodbye. As to whether or not that will happen. Who knows? Only Boris.
